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13 Successful Personalized Marketing Strategies (And Why They Worked)

Personalised marketing strategies American article hence the spelling.

We wrote our own here but wanted to add this article as well.

13 Successful Personalized Marketing Strategies (And Why They Worked)

These days, consumers are accustomed to a certain level of personalization in many aspects of their lives. From customized TV and movie recommendations on streaming platforms to a news feed populated with content relevant to a person’s interests, understanding exactly what customers want (and when and where they want it) has become table stakes for businesses, and this expectation extends to the marketing efforts used to attract those customers in the first place.

Options for developing a personalized marketing strategy abound, but guessing at which tactics will produce the best results is not one of them. To learn more about effective ways to personalize marketing campaigns, see the advice below from members of Forbes Communications Council. Here, they share examples of successful personalized marketing strategies and explain why they worked so well.

Forbes Communications Council members share successful personalized marketing strategies and why they worked.

1. Take Social Proof To The Next Level

Take social proof to the next level. From a B2B perspective, what I refer to as “proximity” campaigns work extremely well. If you have a happy customer in a certain industry, it is very effective to reach out to other prospects in the same industry and reference your happy customer who’s in their backyard. The closer the happy customer is, the more impactful the social proof value. – Cody Strate, The Upward Spiral Group

2. Leverage Programmatic DOOH

We use a lot of programmatic digital out-of-home, which allows us to leverage data and deliver our social-change messages to individual prospects. Our last campaign represented the 17 sustainable development goals that were adopted the United Nations, and we were able to segment them accordingly. With the flexibility of digital OOH and impactful programmatic targeting, we’re able to always offer personalized experiences using various creatives. – Mo Ghoneim, Arts Help

3. Target Opt-In Clients With An ABM Strategy

In the midst of the digital age, a campaign that worked well was a personalized direct marketing campaign, which cut through the online clutter. A highly targeted account-based marketing strategy for opt-in clients provided a competitive price and product strategy and an opportunity to trial the product. This allowed for personalization, a unique customer experience and clever content marketing. – Leeya Hendricks, Delta Capita

4. Engage The Senses To Bring Virtual Experiences To Life 

Make virtual experiences feel like face-to-face interactions engaging the audiences’ five senses during video calls and webinars. You could have lunch delivered to everyone from the same restaurant, do a virtual tasting, send gear to use for a yoga session or a sampling of whatever your product is, for example. The experience is exciting, refreshing, less intimidating and comfortable, giving brands a better avenue to receive genuine feedback. – Javelyn Ibarra, Q-PAC

Forbes Communications Council is an invitation-only community for executives in successful public relations, media strategy, creative and advertising agencies. Do I qualify?

5. Take Your Social Media Lead Generation Strategy Off Social Media

Recently, we started to take our social media lead generation strategy off social media emailing those who follow and engage on our profile. We collected each person’s name, business, industry and a sentence about our engagement in our CRM and then sent out a personalized email including all of those fields. Our response rate was over 50%, and our booking rate was over 15%. – Alexa Dagostino, Marketing By Modification, LTD

6. Express The Audience’s Shared Feelings

Google’s TV spot “Year in Search 2021,” also known as its “How to Heal” campaign, does a fantastic job expressing feelings shared so many who have been hurt racial unrest, oppression, exploitation and, of course, the pandemic. You can almost feel the pain of some of the people featured in the commercial—but also the hope and the joy of those who just kept moving on, despite circumstances. – Mike Neumeier, Arketi Group

7. Retarget High-Intent Visitors With Programmatic Direct Mail

Programmatic direct mail can yield high return on ad spend, depending on the offering’s average order value. A home improvement broker launched postcard retargeting for high-intent website visitors, personalized at the product category level. The return on ad spend was 30-to-1. Direct mail retargeting effectiveness is attributed to the personalization and the fact that the recipient receives the message while in-market. – Melanie De Caprio, SG360°

8. Use Zero-Party Data To Personalize Campaigns

Digital music streaming service Tidal uses zero-party data for the personalization of its campaigns. They identify users as students, first responders and military service members, then send them relevant ad experiences. With regular data, marketers make inferences as to who someone may be. With zero-party data, customers are sharing their data with Tidal in exchange for a benefit that makes them feel good. – Sai Koppala, SheerID

9. Use Dynamic Creative Tools And First-Party Data

Digital marketing is gaining a large share of the marketing budget as marketers realize a wealth of data and dynamic creative optimization tools can be used to create relevant, one-to-one messaging for consumers. Beyond contextual data, they can use owned, consented first-party data to learn each consumer’s purchase behavior, predict purchase intent and offer the right product to the right person at the right time. – Anna Luo, Jivox

10. Mine Transactional Data For Actionable Insights

Marketing campaigns based upon data mining of transactional data provide timely, actionable insights—such as calling a high-value banking customer with a more attractive investment offer based upon AI analytics uncovering patterns in their Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfers to a competitor. Using data to drive personalized, white-glove service and reach out with the right offer at the right time efficiently increases value. – Katie Horvath, Aunalytics

11. Develop A Strong Customer Listening Strategy

My team delivers hyper-personalized digital experiences at scale using journey-mapping best practices, playbooks, guided content and self-service tools—working in lockstep with our partners. This past year, we proactively cultivated customer success, retention and loyalty and grew recurring revenue substantially. A strong customer listening strategy is critical to our success. – Monica Koedel, Cisco

12. Send Personalized Invites Rather Than Generic E-Blasts

Seeking to engage a specific group of individuals in a program, we sent personalized emails directly to our invitees rather than a generic e-blast invite. It was time-intensive, but it grabbed attention more easily and created an opportunity for personalized engagement and question answering. We saw a much higher response and engagement rate compared with previous generic e-blasts. – ColReade, M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust

13. Make Thank-You Gifts Special With Handmade Touches

With travel still halted, we looked for nondigital ways to reach out. As an end-of-the-year thank-you celebration, we sent out engraved gifts with a handwritten note. They were also packaged and wrapped hand. While you can often buy corporate packages, we found that being able to source the best materials and control the final presentation surprised and delighted our prospects and clients. – Sarah Falcon, Object Edge

This content was originally published here.