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Time Blocking: A Time Management Technique for Small Business Owners

Time Blocking: A Time Management Technique for Small Business Owners

Time blocking is a fancy word for scheduling 🤣

It’s about breaking your day into specific blocks of time dedicated to specific tasks or activities. It can be a highly effective way for small business owners to prioritise their tasks, stay focused, and manage their time more effectively.

action scene like thor charging.

Take Action Small Business Owners!

While small businesses have never been better equipped for success than they are now due to technological advancements empowering them with limitless tools for learning—the question arises as to why many businesses still struggle or fail altogether. It’s often about the inability to take action!

Don't quit your day job: Generative AI and the end of programming VentureBeat

Don’t quit your day job: Generative AI and the end of programming VentureBeat

Small business owners I’m sharing this because I think it makes very valid points about AI and programmers, and it’s one of the few articles I’ve seen that are not hyperventilating about AI in general. AI is a tool. Like all tools you don’t jump on using them without assessing if and how they will actually help you. Before I post the article just some things I want to add specifically for small business owners looking to AI to solve their woes.

image of google sites

Google Sites.

For some businesses a simple website is all they need. Google sites allows people with no coding experience to create a simple website very easily.

social media- a red robot sitting down

Social media: Automate your posts.

Are you still manually posting on social media? Between managing your business and trying to keep up with social media trends, it’s no wonder you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Automating your social media posts can streamline your efforts, save time, and help you maintain an active online presence.

What is a tagline?

Understanding the key elements of a bad tagline can help small business owners avoid making these mistakes and come up with a tagline that truly represents their brand. Coming up with a tagline for your business requires a thoughtful and strategic approach.

Not Every Fish in the Sea Is Your Ideal Customer.

Hey there, small business owners! Have you identified your ideal customer? We talk about this constantly, because constantly small business owners come to us saying “I just need more customers” when we ask them who their service or product is for they say “everyone”.