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Social Media Growth Tactics: Worth it or Not.

Growing on social media can become an obsession. The other day on a forum someone was asking about “like and comment” groups where members would engage with each other’s posts on Instagram commenting and liking them. This person was concerned that their interactions were down. 

I did respond that such groups are basically meaningless. Likes and interaction from random people who may or may not be ACTUALLY interested in your product or service, do not equal sales. It’s better to put energy into growing your own community. Talk to your target audience and you will grow organically.

So I decided to do a blog post looking at different tactics being used and look at the upside and downside of each.

social media tactics

Unlimited Pictures No Links!

Many small business owners are drawn to social media marketing, particularly Facebook’s massive user base. But with so much competition, how do you make your products stand out?

One tactic gaining traction is the “unlimited pictures, no links” approach. Here’s a breakdown of this strategy and whether it delivers:

The Upside:

Increased Visibility.

Bombarding your audience with product images can grab attention, especially for visually appealing products.

Focus on Product.

By removing links, the post keeps the focus purely on the product itself, sparking curiosity.

The Downside:

Limited Information.

Without links, potential customers can’t easily access details, pricing, or purchase options. This creates friction and can lead to lost sales.

Information Overload.

Scrolling through countless product photos can be overwhelming for viewers. The key message might get lost in the barrage.

Engagement Issues.

This strategy prioritises showing over interaction. It doesn’t encourage comments, questions, or discussions – crucial for building relationships.

Crafting a Better Strategy:

Here’s how to leverage the “unlimited pictures” concept for better results:

High-Quality Images

Invest in professional or high-quality product photos that showcase your offerings in the best light. (Our guide for product images with your phone is here)

Strategic Selection

Choose a curated selection of photos that represent your brand’s variety or bestsellers.

Compelling Captions

Use captions to tell a story, highlight product features, or answer potential customer questions.

Call to Action
On the picture have a call to action, message for details, or use a promo code.etc

While the “unlimited pictures, no links” strategy might seem like a quick win, it lacks the finesse to truly convert viewers into customers. We tried to experiment with this we used videos in one group photo’s in another. Video performed better but neither lead to sales/enquiries. Most of the people engaging in this are business owners and are there to promote their own products rather than looking for things to buy.

Follow for Follow Frenzy: Friend or Foe for Small Businesses?

The “Follow for Follow” (F4F) tactic is prevalent on Facebook, TikTok (TikTokTrain) and Instagram where users encourage others to follow their pages in exchange for a follow back. Let’s see if this strategy benefits small businesses:

The Upside:

Boost Follower Count

F4F can quickly inflate your follower count, creating an illusion of popularity.

The Downside:

Low Engagement

These followers likely have no real interest in your brand. They’re unlikely to engage with your content or convert into sales.

Algorithm Impact

Facebook prioritises content that sparks engagement. An inactive following can hurt your organic reach.

Negative Perception

F4F can come across as inauthentic and desperate. It might damage your brand reputation.

social media community

Building a Genuine Community.

Instead of F4F, focus on building a loyal following organically:

High-Quality Content

Share valuable, interesting content that resonates with your target audience.

Community Engagement

Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in discussions.

Targeted Reach

If you want to go down that route use Facebook ads to target users with genuine interest in your offerings.

While F4F might inflate your follower count, it creates a shallow foundation for your Facebook presence. By prioritising quality content, genuine engagement, and targeted reach, you’ll attract a loyal following that actively supports your small business.

social media tactics hashtags

Hashtag Hijacking

Strangely I see this more on Twitter eg. businesses using #mafsau hashtag to get attention on the car products they are selling for example.

The Upside

Leveraging trending hashtags to get your content seen a wider audience, even if it’s not directly related to the trend.

The Downside

To me it is inauthentic or disrespectful if the connection to your brand is forced. May lead to negative comments or brand backlash.

Building a Better Strategy

Use trending hashtags organically when they genuinely align with your content or promotions. If you can weave them easily if the hashtag does relate to your brand. Don’t stray too far from your brand identity.

social media building your tribe.

Building Your Tribe.

Social media marketing can feel like a minefield for small businesses. These tactics, fads and quick fixes abound, but they rarely deliver results that are sustainable.  The truth is, as I keep saying there’s no magic formula. True success hinges on understanding your target audience, providing genuine value, and fostering authentic connections.

When you prioritise these aspects, you don’t just build a follower count – you cultivate a community.  These are the people who resonate with your brand, value what you offer, and become your most loyal supporters.

Focus on these aspects to cultivate your tribe:

  • Content with purpose– Craft content that educates, entertains, or inspires your target audience.
  • Genuine engagement– Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in discussions. Let your audience know you care.
  • Brand authenticity-Let your brand personality shine through. Be transparent, relatable, and true to your values.
  • Community building-Encourage interaction, spark conversations, and celebrate your audience.

By investing in these strategies, you’ll build a foundation for long-term success. You’ll attract customers who are genuinely interested in what you offer, and create a community that fuels your brand’s growth.

If you need some help reach out to us as this is our passion to help small businesses grow.