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Dealing with Lack of Support loved ones in Your Small Business.

lack of support- woman at computer head in hands

Are you dealing with a lack of support from loved ones for your small business? We’ve all been there. You pour your heart and soul into a dream, a small business venture that ignites your passion. You share your excitement with loved ones, those you expect to be your biggest cheerleaders, but the response falls flat. Social media likes and shares are scarce, conversations veer away from talking about your small business, and a nagging sense of doubt creeps in.

lack of support

This lack of outward support can sting, especially for those who are sensitive. It’s natural to wonder, “Why aren’t they excited for me?” 

This is actually a common struggle many small business owners face. A lack of support from those they expected would be their biggest cheerleaders. We have heard this from our own clients and there are lots of posts about this on online business forums. 

Avoid spiralling into self-doubt and frustration with loved ones, let’s explore some key concepts:

Managing Expectations and Channeling Energy:

Understanding Expectations: When you start your small business, it’s natural to expect support from friends and family. However, not everyone will be your biggest cheerleader, and that’s okay. It’s important to manage your expectations of how loved ones will respond. There could be any number of reasons why support is not coming your way. Some might be fearful of failure, others might not fully understand your passion, they could be jealous, and some simply might not know how to offer support beyond a kind word. This disparity between expectation and reality can be a significant source of frustration. Don’t let this lose your focus. 

Open Communication: Consider having an honest conversation with a loved one who seems distant and unsupportive. Share how their support would make a difference, but focus on how you can move forward regardless.

If your feelings are overwhelming of course get some professional help


Beyond Blue

Focus on Your Why: Reconnect with your core motivation. What sparked this dream? Refocusing on your “why” will fuel your internal fire and make external validation less crucial. Developing a strong sense of self-worth independent of external validation is essential. Self-love involves appreciating your efforts and progress, no matter how small. By cultivating this mindset, you can reduce the emotional impact of others lack of support or interest.

Fuelling Your Passion: The energy you might spend feeling hurt or annoyed a lack of family support is better directed towards building your small business. Channel that energy into creating a compelling marketing strategy, or refining your product or service.

Social Media and Validation: Likes and shares are a small metric of success, and they don’t always translate to genuine support or sales. Don’t get discouraged a quiet social media response from family, it is unlikely that they are your target audience anyway! Focus on building relationships with potential customers and fostering a community around your brand.

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Building Your Own Support System.

Find Your Tribe: Look for communities of small business owners or people who share your passion, as being a small business owner can be lonely. Online forums, networking events, or even local business groups can provide you support and valuable insights.

lack of support

Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. Celebrate milestones with yourself and those who do show genuine interest.

Finally, embrace the journey with all its ups and downs. Every small business owner faces challenges, and dealing with a lack of support is just one of many. Use these experiences as learning opportunities to grow stronger and more self-reliant. By doing so, you can thrive in your small business journey despite the challenges.