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Video for Social Media Channels

Are you a business that uses video across your social media channels? If you are that is fantastic! The best performing content type is video. Which means if you have something to sell or something to show- you need to use video.

Your Brand.

I always ask my clients to explain their brand to me in three words, or if their business was a movie actor who would it be, or if their business was a plate of food etc because it forces them to hone in on the essence of their brand. It forces them to stop thinking about where the next customer is coming from and back to why they started their business and what their brand is about.

Will your latest business idea take off?

Some people blindly decide to start a business (how many scrunchie and mask businesses appeared during the start of Covid?) without any thought for whether it will meet a need either for their customers or their own in running a business

colour palette rawmarrow.

Colour Theory and Psychology

I’ve been posting daily random colour palettes on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and occasionally on Twitter.

One of the questions asked was what are these palettes used for? The ones posted on social media aren’t really used for anything as such -it is really to get people thinking about colour and colour combinations. Sure, sure it’s also a way of sharing funny album covers, old adverts as well I can admit it, but I will try to change it up.