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Take Action Small Business Owners!

action scene like thor charging.

It’s true you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. (Take action!)


Even having all the right information is only half the battle. It’s like leading a horse to water – you can guide it in the right direction, but ultimately, it’s up to the horse to take a drink  (ie.put the knowledge into action).

The Paradox of Knowledge without Action.

While small businesses have never been better equipped for success than they are now due to technological advancements empowering them with limitless tools for learning—the question arises as to why many businesses still struggle or fail altogether.

Small business owners may spend a significant amount of time researching and acquiring new skills, but true progress can only be achieved when theory is put into practice. It’s not enough to simply gather knowledge; it’s crucial to apply that knowledge in real-world situations. Only through practical application can small business owners see tangible results and make meaningful progress towards their goals.

What stops small business from taking action?

There can be several factors that stop small businesses from taking action.

1.One of the common reasons is fear of failure. Starting a business involves risks and uncertainties, and some may be hesitant to take action because they fear the possibility of failure.

2.Lack of resources or financial constraints can also hinder small businesses from taking action. Limited budgets and limited access to capital can make it difficult to invest in necessary resources or marketing efforts.

3.Another factor is lack of knowledge or expertise. Small business owners may feel overwhelmed or unsure about the best course of action to take, especially if they are new to business.

4.Information overwhelm- There is an abundance of information available, which can often lead to feeling overwhelmed and unsure about which sources to trust. This can lead to hesitation and inaction.

5.Additionally, external factors such as economic conditions or market competition can influence small businesses’ decision to take action. If the market is saturated or the economy is in a downturn, businesses may be more cautious and less willing to take risks.

However, it’s important for small businesses to overcome these obstacles and take strategic action to grow and succeed. Seeking support, learning from others, and being willing to adapt and innovate can help small businesses overcome these barriers and achieve their goals.


Overcoming the Fear of Failure.

  • Mindset Shift: View failure as a stepping stone to success rather than a roadblock. Emphasize that failures provide valuable learning experiences.
  • Start Small: begin with manageable risks and gradually work your up. Taking smaller steps can help build confidence and reduce the fear of failure.
  • Learning from Mistakes: Use setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than to give up. Analysing mistakes can lead to improved strategies.

Budgeting Strategies for Limited Resources.

  • Prioritise Spending: Identify the most essential areas to invest in for your business, such as high-impact marketing initiatives or improving product quality.
  • Lean Approaches: Focus on minimising waste and unnecessary expenses while maximising value for customers.
  • Creative Partnerships: Explore collaborations with other businesses, sharing resources, or bartering services to reduce costs.

Methods to Prioritise and Manage Information Effectively.

  • Set Clear Goals: Define specific goals for your business and align your information-gathering efforts with those goals. Avoid going down the rabbit hole of clicking on every advert you encounter.
  • Use Reliable Sources: Identify trustworthy sources of information and stay updated with industry trends. Gather is accurate and relevant.
  • Time Blocking: Use time management techniques like time blocking, to allocate dedicated time slots for research, learning, and application.
  • Selective Consumption: Be selective about the information you consume. Focus on resources that directly relate to your current goals or challenges.
  • Create a Learning Plan: Have a clear learning plan with specific topics and timeframes. This can help you stay organised and avoid getting overwhelmed unrelated information.
  • Implement Immediately: Apply what you have learned as soon as possible. Taking action right after gaining the relevant information can solidify learning and prevent information from piling up.
  • Set Information Boundaries: Recommend setting limits on the time spent consuming information. Designate specific periods for research and learning, and then shift the focus to practical action.
  • Use Information Filters: Use tools like filters, bookmarks, or note-taking apps to capture and organize valuable information for future reference. This will help you to not feel compelled to absorb everything in one go. However it can also mean you will forget to go back to it.
  • Feedback Loop: Review the impact of what you have taken action on. This reflection process can help identify what’s working and what might need adjustment.

If small businesses want their ideas to go from mere concepts to solving their business problems, they must take proactive steps towards making things happen instead of waiting idly for circumstances to magically change overnight.

action scene like thor charging.

Tips on Transforming Information Into Action.

1. Set Clear Goals.

Define precise objectives aligned with your business’s vision and create an actionable plan to accomplish them. Establishing achievable milestones keeps you motivated and focused.

2. Prioritise Tasks.

Identify critical tasks that drive growth, such as refining product offerings, enhancing customer service quality, or boosting marketing efforts. Break these tasks down into manageable steps for ease of implementation.

3. Develop a Bias for Action.

Rather than overthinking possibilities endlessly, cultivate a mindset that values taking calculated risks while adapting quickly in response to market feedback

4.Manage Fear of Failure.

Recognise failure as an opportunity for learning rather than perceiving it negatively; embrace setbacks bravely but make sure each trial provides wisdom and contributes towards future successes.

5.Seek Supportive Networks.

Engage actively within entrepreneurial communities both online (forums/social media groups) and offline (local associations/events). Collaborating with like-minded individuals allows sharing insights alongside gaining inspiration from other peoples experiences.


As part of a business group we are in we all had to share a “lesson” that we have learned, and ours was similar to the theme in this blog post, so we will share it again here.

You can not help people/businesses that won’t take your hand or help themselves. When you are more invested in their success than they are -it’s time to let go and focus your energy where it’s appreciated. If someone is unwilling to take the necessary steps to improve their situation, then there’s nothing we can do to change that.

While we can provide valuable advice, essential resources, and connect them with the right individuals, ultimately it is the business owner that needs to take the action. If they can’t take the action themselves due to time or lack of expertise then they can choose to outsource it or they can choose to ignore it. (but really don’t have the right to whine about not getting anywhere🤣)

Rawmarrow are dedicated to working collaboratively with businesses that are thirsty for success- if you are thirsty and need help contact us.

1 thought on “Take Action Small Business Owners!”

  1. Pingback: Collaboration: The Key to Successful Marketing Partnerships. - rawmarrowblog

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