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Why did I start Rawmarrow?


AM I INSANE? So many people think I am insane for starting another business during the pandemic- but the truth is I have offered branding video and social media services since 2008. I never advertised it and it was all through word of mouth and via my photography business. So why did I do it? First off I love seeing a starting or struggling business just soar. Secondly due to Covid19 my employment in marketing ended and I took some time to assess what I wanted to do next. I decided to create something that utilised and brought together all of my skills to do something to help. (I had my first business in 2002/2003!). Contrast this with having three separate resumes that would appeal to different types of employers.  

I am one of those strange people that is both a strategic system thinker and a creative and I didn’t want to suppress one side of me at the expense of the other. People thought I was crazy- and maybe I am :)- time will tell, but why not give something I love doing and working with clients that I love a go?

I want to help businesses know themselves (brand strategy) and to show themselves (promotion) in order to get them more clients so they can have a profitable business. I want them to realise they can be in control of their business- not have their business be a constant source of frustration.

Another reason I started this because many of the people I’ve worked for in the past told me horror stories about marketing agencies-that made them pay mega bucks and still did not deliver results.

You may think (especially if you are starting out and have no experience) that paying a marketing agency to do your ads will save you money, time and stress but if the agency you choose doesn’t get you return on your investment you’ve wasted money twice. Plus you now how additional stress and more time needed to rectify the problem!

So I wanted to structure this business in a way that the clients get the most value and I get the most satisfaction working for.

There are three services I will offer:

1. Brand Strategy/Identity Package 

2. Vide0/Content Creation and Social Media Management Monthly Subscription Service

3. Interactive Video for landing pages/home pages

I am limiting the number of businesses that I work with in offering each of these services so I can focus passionately and completely on them. For branding strategy/identity I work with start ups and businesses that don’t just want a business- but a brand – with a clear strategy and goals to move forward that align with their business plan. The strategy should drive the visual branding assets not the other way around. If all you want is a logo- I’m not the person for you. It’s like giving someone a glasses frame without giving them the lenses! It’s like giving someone a car without the steering wheel, a boat without a rudder….you get the idea 🙂

My love for video and film started way way back and is the reason I came to Melbourne in the first place (being a Taswegian originally). Before I came to Melbourne I was doing a lot of acting for theatre, and at the time there were not any courses for film/tv so across I came to do a course at Swinburne in Acting for TV and Film, which lead to me developing short films and artsy poem films as I was writing a lot and doing poetry readings and so on at the time. So when I started my Photography business in 2008, I was well placed to include video production in my wedding packages. Fast forward to now and I can carry a smaller camera (the old ones were heavy) and even use mobile video. Given the fact that video is the highest performing content type and won’t be slowing down plus the innovation of interactive video it made sense to combine my love for video with the undisputed power of social media (which I love! Especially Twitter!). 

If you want more clients- and you think I am not insane or even if you think I am but would be a good fit for your business please get in touch 🙂


1 thought on “Why did I start Rawmarrow?”

  1. Pingback: The Art of Storytelling in Marketing: Small Business Edition. - rawmarrowblog

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